Sunday, April 12, 2009


pixies:into the white
Originally uploaded by visualpanic
It is amazing how childhood memories and routines affect our adult life. Even your tastebuds when brought back to a familiar tastes of childhood is inescapable. The taste of hot, fresh steamed white rice is something that is inate in me. I have heard all the detriments of white rice but somehow its taste is like a great relationship I can't let go. My love for this rice causes me to be sleepy after eating this delicious staple. So, my quest for a substitute is in full effect. I tried brown rice (not Uncle Ben's) and wanted to revert back to my former relationship. Not to be dettered, I went on the internet and googled substitute for white rice. A myriad of grains that I have never heard of before surfaced, millet, bulghur that take more than fifteen minutes to cook, which compared to my former love is unacceptable. I then typed in the familiar to me, quinoa, which takes only fifteen minutes to cook but my tastebuds have never experienced this before. I hope for my current love, health, this tastes as delicious my white rice.

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